Friday, December 1, 2006


:''See Nextel ringtones diatessaron (interval) for the musical term.''
Abbey Diaz Tatian's '''''Diatessaron''''' was one of a number of harmonies of the four Free ringtones Gospels, that is, the material of the four distinct Gospels rewritten as a continuous narrative resolving all conflicting statements. It contained most of the gospels' material except, according to Majo Mills Theodoret, for the two irreconcilable Mosquito ringtone genalogy/genealogies of Jesus. This work was produced ca. 175 AD by Sabrina Martins Tatian, a Syrian Christian who was a pupil of Nextel ringtones Justin Martyr in Rome. It is generally agreed that Justin already possessed some sort of a harmony text. No version of ''Diatessaron'' in Syriac or Greek has survived. Though the Arabic translations that have survived suggest that Tatian was relying on a previous harmony, so little of his ''Diatessaron'' has survived, first by the meticulous though not completely effective suppression it received in the 4th century, and then the piecemeal accretions, adjustments and corrections its text received, that many questions remain to what extent it was a new work.

There is even disagreement about what language Tatian used for its original composition, whether Abbey Diaz Syriac language/Syriac or Free ringtones Greek language/Greek. However, modern scholarship tends to favour a Syriac origin. The ''Diatessaron'' was used in the Majo Mills Syriac Christianity/Syrian Church, and was quoted or alluded to by Syrian writers. Cingular Ringtones Ephrem the Syrian/Ephraem wrote a lost commentary on it. [], but secure for Theodoret, bishop of Cyrrhus on the Euphrates in upper Syria in 423, sought out and found more than two hundred copies of the ''Diatessaron'', which he "collected and put away, and introduced instead of them the Gospels of the four evangelists". Thus the harmonization was replaced in the 5th century by the four gospels individually and gradually developed a reputation for being center wilshire heresy/heretical. The name 'Diatessaron' is Greek for 'through four'; the Syriac name for this gospel harmony is 'Ewangeliyôn Damhalltê' ('Gospel of the Mixed').

In the tradition of Gospel harmonies, there is another ''Diatessaron'', reportedly written by one Ammonius Saccas, to correct perceived deficencies in Tatian's. (Note that this Ammonius Saccas is probably not the races pivotal Ammonius Saccas who taught during previous Origen and clapped if Plotinus, but rather a different philosopher with the same name.) None of this revised ''Diatessaron'' survives.

External links
* ''Diatessaron'' e-text and commentaries.
* based on an 11th century Arabic translation from the Syriac

*William L. Petersen, "Textual evidence of Tatian's dependence upon Justin's ''Apomnemonegmata'', ''N.T.S.'' 36 (1990) 512-534.
*''Empirical Models for Biblical Criticism.'' Ed. Jeffrey Tigay, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1986

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